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Inspectorio & CGS Partner to Transform the Factory Floor

September 7, 2022

The partnership between Inspectorio and CGS will reshape the way companies interact with their factory floor operations.

Inspectorio and CGS bring groundbreaking capabilities to the table. Inspectorio’s AI-driven collaboration platform has aligned quality control, tracking, and compliance across the supply chain, achieving deep visibility levels long desired by the industry.

CGS is a global provider of business applications, enterprise learning, and outsourcing services, whose shop floor control (SFC) offers cloud-based data collection straight from factory floors.

With this melding of capabilities, it will be easier than ever for manufacturers to align their internal SFC operations with their external quality, on-time delivery, and compliance reporting.

What Does It Mean for the Industry?

Shop floor data is among the most granular in the entire supply chain. Too resource-intensive to collect and analyze manually, it becomes a clean, powerful new tool in the hands of AI-driven software.

The vision for CGS and Inspectorio’s collaboration is as follows: High-resolution data collected by CGS gets passed cleanly into Inspectorio’s network, which organizes it, mines it for trends and insights, and delivers those findings to key stakeholders. Because these findings get distributed through Inspectorio’s dashboards and algorithms, brands and retailers gain total, real-time visibility into the shop floor without intruding on manufacturers, who still retain control of their operations and data.

For Inspectorio customers, this partnership extends the platform’s visibility capabilities all the way to the ground floor. The additional SFC data deepens brands and retailers’ ability to manage risk and drive their operations accurately — more data is always better, but only when that data is used effectively.

The benefits are equally substantial for CGS customers. Brands are often blindsided by compliance violations in their supply chains, and the additional insights provided by Inspectorio’s analytics will add yet another layer of intelligence and control over day-to-day manufacturing operations.

The combination of CGS’ visibility over floor-level production with Inspectorio’s visibility over quality control completes the equation, creating true end-to-end visibility.

How to Optimize Your Shop Floor Control

Our live webinar, will cover in detail how to optimize your SFC in the fashion and sewn products industry. Below are some of the key points our speakers address:

1. Explore Shop Floor Control

The first step to digitally transform your factory floor is identifying the best SFC technology for your needs. A capable solution must be able to capture, track, and analyze valuable product information in real-time, giving you immediate visibility into what’s happening in far-flung production facilities across the globe.

This visibility must then allow you to mobilize and take action to correct issues and manage risk. Your SFC solution must include advanced analytics capable of solving complex problems and extracting long- and short-term trends. Armed with these tools, your SFC will allow you to seize opportunities and optimize the efficiency and flexibility of your factories.

2. Leverage Shop Floor Control’s Many Benefits

Take full advantage of the benefits provided by your SFC solution:

  • Gain real-time transparency into processes and KPIs
  • Significantly improve productivity
  • Reduce and control cost
  • Base decisions on advanced analytics
  • Empower your workforce
  • Perform quicker, more effective line balancing
  • Minimize and prevent bottlenecks
  • Foster collaboration with suppliers/customers

A SFC solution gives you the power to prevent some of the most devastating blows to brands and retailers. These include violations of labor law compliance and corporate social responsibility (CSR), both of which have proven difficult to monitor without the proper technology.

3. Measure How Shop Floor Control Delivers ROI

The return on investment (ROI) from an SFC solution comes in many forms:

  • Increased output leads to the ability to earn more revenue over a shorter time period.
  • Early detection of quality problems allows manufacturers to fix them quickly and keep shipments on schedule, instead of entering into costly defect-remediation cycles.
  • Increased agility from SFC technology helps companies quickly evaluate capacity and execute new business opportunities.

4. Achieve Your Factory of the Future

SFC connects people to mission-critical information on production, operator performance, products, plants, and overall manufacturing base.

When you are looking for the best SFC solution and getting ready to deploy it, keep the following selection criteria in mind:

Ease of use
Incredible user experience (UX) should lie at the heart of your SFC’s value. Operator instructions and other actionable information should be easily digestible in configurable dashboards and screen views.

Systems integration
At a minimum, your SFC solution should integrate with engineering, costing, and payroll systems and services. It is also advantageous to have built-in integration with ERP, PLM, and business intelligence (BI) solutions.

Advanced analytics
Be sure to ask about the inclusion of AI-powered analytics tools. These are crucial to being able to make use of all the data being collected by your SFC platform, as they allow you to dig deeper into production issues, analyze variances, identify, and respond to patterns, and anticipate opportunities.


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